When a house becomes a home @louisecass

I’m not one for blogging, I’ve never known where to start or if I’m honest how you write a blog but I’m guessing it’s an ordered rambling of thoughts.

I enjoy Twitter, most of the time, I love the engagement and sharing of resources, the debate which leads to questioning and for me what I feel drives me to seek out more. It also can become cumbersome, and occasionally a drain.

Just before the government announced lockdown my mum, collapsed at home, whilst having her evening meal with my dad, a family of 4 we all got the panicked call from my dad, and the 3 of us who still live locally rushed home (and we joked about avengers assemble).

My mum suffered what I now have quite a good understanding of, a subarachnoid hemorrhage.  After lots of surgery, and the discovery that she had fistulas at the back of her brain that she’d been born with, my mum, after years of being that mum who continuously looked after us, and then our own children slept. She was tired and she slept. And I slept alongside her and said goodnight.

My mum was a mother and a grandparent and a teacher.  We were sent a beautiful letter from a colleague and very good friend, which I just wish to share. It doesn’t particularly fit with the blog, but I’m taking license that I don’t really know what I’m doing.

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So when does a house become a home (this is where my twitter reference comes back in) my aunt said she has a house, and inside that house are different rooms which all hold the best memories. Occasionally she visits this house and the rooms and she looks at, and polishes the memories. Anything that’s crap goes in the bin liner and out for collection.

I now have a house, which I will visit and remember and smile. Within this house, a room that I will polish the memories of is those whose messages during my less enthusiastic days made a difference and for me a kindness that I don’t quite know how to say thank you for, and so here is a rollcall.

@Teacherglitter @SaysMiss, @MissRegardless, @MissJoT, @MissLLewis, @MissHBannister, @UTMFawcett23, @educurious2015 @MrsReynolds3816 @rondelle10_b, @jakehuntonMFL, @LeitningSnr, @MusicCPDandMore, @lehain @Callum_SEND, @daveteachingsci, @Clive_Hill, @Lipoedemaweb, @GeographyJake @cataylor48, @uclanjenks, @PhoenixHousePRU, @Constant55, @evpdavidmills, @andymstewart82, @Illwriteitdown

To you all, I can’t really express how thankful I am, but I promise to dust you off when I visit that room of the house and I will smile as I remember your kindness.  The house that is now my home.