The idea behind BrewEd was initially set up by @MrEFinch and @darynsimon. It is a ‘grassroots movement for people from all phases, sectors, and areas of education to come together, enjoy each others company and have robust, open and challenging debate around thought provoking ideas and issues’. The BrewEd movement provides an opportunity for local educators to have a platform and their voices heard. A key aspect of a BrewEd event is that it is organised by volunteers, and free from corporate sponsorship.
At BrewEdClee we believe in keeping to Daryn and Ed’s fundamental values of collaboration and this means the events are not promoted by any particular organisation or school and they promote a diversity of views and ethos.
BrewEd is an opportunity for all in education to come together, discuss, share and learn from each other. Following on from out event in Cleethorpes in January 2020 we have been able to welcome many educators to share their ideas and work via virtual platforms. We hope to continue bringing more people together throughout NE Lincolnshire to share their work and continue the important conversations about the education of our young people.

The Team

Louise (@louisecass) is a Lead Practitioner for Science at a school in Grimsby, prior to teaching she worked for the Forensic Science Service as a Gun Shot Residue Expert and has provided expert testimony to the courts on several gun related incidents. Louise is Governor at a PRU and also volunteers for the Youth Offending Team working with young offenders who have been placed on a referral order by the courts. She is passionate about closing the disadvantage gap experienced by many of the children within our area.

Jake (@GeographyJake) ) is the Trust Wide Subject Lead for Geography at a MAT. Prior to this he worked at a large comprehensive secondary school in North East Derbyshire as a Geography teacher and then as Head of Department. Having grown up on the East Coast of Lincolnshire, he is passionate about improving the social mobility of the children across our region.

David (@MrGoodwin23) is the Head of Years 10 and 11, and a Geography Teacher, at a school in Grimsby. Passionate about cognitive science, David is currently writing a book, with the renowned Oliver Caviglioli, titled, Organise Ideas: Graphic Organisers for Meaningful learning. David’s motivation to join the BrewEDClee movement, is the fact it is a grass roots movement — striving to improve the life chances of all young people, in the North East Lincolnshire region.